
Personal Math Trainer Algebra 1 provides a complete online Algebra one grade. Perfect for students who need to take hold of upward on their Algebra 1 skills, we offer a personal math teacher inside every lesson. Get-go now by clicking the button below!

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  • 1 Adding and Subtracting Integers
  • 2 Multiplying and Dividing Integers
  • 3 Club of Operations
  • 4 Evaluation
  • 5 To the lowest degree Common Multiple
  • vi Adding and Subtracting Fractions
  • seven Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
  • 8 Order of Operations with Fractions
  • 9 Evaluation with Fractions
  • 10 Absolute Value
  • 11 Absolute Value with Fractions
  • 12 Combining Similar Terms
  • 13 Distributive Property
  • 14 Distributive Belongings and Combining Similar Terms


  • 15 One-Step Equations
  • xvi Two-Pace Equations
  • 17 Equations with Fractions
  • 18 Equations Involving Distributive
  • 19 Equations with Variable on Both Sides
  • xx Equations with Variable on Both Sides and Fractions
  • 21 Equations with Variable on Both Sides and Distributive
  • 22 Equations with Decimals
  • 23 Equations with Decimals and Decimal Solutions
  • 24 Equations with Fraction Solutions
  • 25 Literal Equations

Word problems

  • 26 Number Word Problems
  • 27 Consecutive Integer Give-and-take Bug
  • 28 Geometry Word Problems
  • 29 Percentage Discussion Problems
  • 30 Age Word Issues
  • 31 Value Give-and-take Problems
  • 32 Interest Discussion Bug
  • 33 Motion Word Issues

Inequalities, absolute value, functions, graphing

  • 34 Solving and Graphing Inequalities
  • 35 Combined Inequalities
  • 36 The Coordinate System
  • 37 Domain and Range
  • 38 Definition of a Part
  • 39 Function and Arrow Note
  • 40 Graphing inside a Given Domain
  • 41 Graphing Lines
  • 42 The Intercept Method
  • 43 Graphing Inequalities in Two Variables

Linear equations

  • 44 Patterns and Table Building
  • 45 Give-and-take Problems and Table Building
  • 46 Slope as a Rate of Modify
  • 47 Slope of a Line
  • 48 Using Slope to Graph a Line
  • 49 Using Coordinates to Find Slope (Graphs and Tables)
  • l Slope Formula
  • 51 Using Gradient Formula to Find Missing Coordinates
  • 52 Slope-Intercept Form
  • 53 Converting to Slope-Intercept Grade and Graphing
  • 54 Linear Parent Graph and Transformations
  • 55 Writing Equations of Lines
  • 56 Writing Equations of Lines Using Tables
  • 57 Directly Variation
  • 58 Applications of Straight Variation and Linear Functions

Systems of equations

  • 59 Solving Systems past Graphing
  • 60 Solving Systems by Addition
  • 61 Solving Systems by Substitution
  • 62 Number and Value Discussion Problems
  • 63 Wind and Current Word Bug
  • 64 Digit Word Bug

Exponents & polynomials

  • 65 The Production Rule
  • 66 The Ability Rule
  • 67 The Caliber Rule
  • 68 Numerical Bases and Exponents of Zero
  • 69 Combining Exponent Rules
  • lxx Multiplying Polynomials
  • 71 F.O.I.50.


  • 72 Greatest Mutual Cistron
  • 73 Factoring out the Greatest Common Factor
  • 74 Factoring Trinomials with Positive Constants
  • 75 Factoring Trinomials with Negative Constants
  • 76 Divergence of 2 Squares
  • 77 Factoring Trinomials with Lead Coefficients and Positive Constants
  • 78 Factoring Trinomials with Lead Coefficients and Negative Constants
  • 79 Factoring Completely
  • eighty Beginning Polynomial Equations
  • 81 Intermediate Polynomial Equations

Rational expressions & equations

  • 82 Simplifying Rational Expressions
  • 83 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
  • 84 Adding Rational Expressions
  • 85 Subtracting Rational Expressions
  • 86 Rational Equations


  • 87 Simplifying Radicals
  • 88 Multiplying Radicals
  • 89 Dividing Radicals
  • xc Adding Radicals and FOILing with Radicals
  • 91 Radical Equations


  • 92 Linear or Quadratic Functions
  • 93 Graphs of Quadratic Functions and Get-go Transformations
  • 94 Graphs of Quadratic Functions and Advanced Transformations
  • 95 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
  • 96 Taking the Square Root of Both Sides
  • 97 Completing The Foursquare
  • 98 Quadratic Formula

Additional nctm concepts

  • 99 Variables, Expressions, and Equations
  • 100 Translating English to Algebra
  • 101 Using Manipulatives to Model Algebraic Equations
  • 102 Using Algebra Tiles to Model Algebraic Equations
  • 103 Field Properties
  • 104 Recognizing Patterns
  • 105 Finding the nth Term in a Pattern
  • 106 Finite Differences to Generalize a Rule
  • 107 Dependency and Correlational Relationships
  • 108 Recognizing and Evaluating Functions
  • 109 Functions in Problem Situations
  • 110 Domain and Range
  • 111 Linear and Quadratic Relationships
  • 112 Parent Graphs and Transformations
  • 113 Slope and Intercept
  • 114 Interpreting Graphs
  • 115 Directly Variation
  • 116 Changed Variation

How tin I help my child with Algebra ane?

The most constructive way to provide Algebra one help to your child is to include plenty of guided practise. Watching a video is not plenty. Your child will also need practice problems that include complete audio explanations considering about students will make mistakes when they first try to solve bug after learning a concept.

I am so glad I institute your program - information technology helped me and then much. I've been out of school for over 20 years and I recently enrolled in the Kansas State dietetics program. I was freaking out over the algebra placement exam because I couldn't remember anything. After completing your program, I scored a 34 (I only needed a 21 to get into college algebra). So, thank you for your nifty programme, I couldn't have done it without you 😃

Carie Casserino

Carie Casserino

thirteen:31 08 Aug 22

I am a 50+ who decided to get dorsum to schoolhouse late in life. I need to have Higher Algebra to obtain my caste. To avert prerequisite math classes, I needed to pass their placement test.It has been a "a few years" since I took a math class. I needed to study and searched for online courses. I came beyond many sites, but had the best setup, and so I signed up. The class covers everything you volition need to know. I went through the unabridged grade and took the final exam a few times every bit reinforcement.The courses are put together in an easy-to-follow manner and provide everything you will need to pass any math exam. The layout was easy to follow. The video, followed past practice, followed past the questions were so piece of cake to follow. Information technology is all on 1 folio. There is no navigating dorsum and along. If y'all get one wrong, you lot are given a step-by-pace explanation on how to get the correct answer. The reinforcement of each concept is helpful. The videos really brand it so easy to learn. The three instructors are great and teach each subject area conspicuously and in a detailed manner.Whether your kid is struggling in elementary schoolhouse, or you are a college student who needs some extra assist, is the solution to your needs.I aced my placement test. I now experience fully prepared for the Higher Algebra class I'm taking next semester. I highly recommend this course.


My Higher Algebra course went well thanks to your program. The most helpful elements to me were the multiple videos of explanations that started off extremely bones and built up difficulty. I practise not learn very well when I get blasted in the face with information then an overly difficult problem. As well the exercise tests helped with learning and then performing which helped me retain the lesson.

tylor qualls

tylor qualls

15:50 30 May 22

I was attempting to identify into calculus I and I did achieve that. I scored an 85 on the ALEKS. I was a very poor student in high school simply so you empathise the full picture. I'm trying to catch up on things I should have had a basic foundation in dorsum and then. So it was really prissy to take a refresher course on all the rules and properties of math and algebra leading up to the calculus portions. Overall, I think the material was very well put together on your site. Articulate and curtailed.

Jason Smith

Jason Smith

13:21 02 Apr 22

WONDERFUL Plan!! Our first year of homeschooling and the program we were using left my daughter in tears over her 10th grade Geometry. We switched to Math Assist and glad nosotros did!! The teachings were piece of cake to understand and kept at a good stride, not overwhelming. She got her Geometry credit without tears!! Thank you lot Math Help for offering this service! Well done!!

Heidi Thode

Heidi Thode

12:19 31 Mar 22

I found the algebra sections to be the nearly helpful. I passed my MEGA middle schoolhouse math test, thanks to your site! I tried Mometrix and failed the starting time time, but I used your site for simply 2 months and passed with flying colors!

Kassie Mitchell

Kassie Mitchell

03:42 16 Feb 22

Every bit a math-phobe, I needed equally much assistance on the FTCE math examination as could get. A instructor at my schoolhouse suggested your program. I loved your back-to-nuts arroyo to help someone similar me, a 58-yr-erstwhile who never liked or could do math. I found your instructions and lots of practise questions and tests to be extremely helpful. I took many of the questions over and over again to get the steps correct. I always particularly had trouble with measurements and geometry, and I think your program helped ease my anxiety and face up those questions head on. It too helped me become straight in my head the positives/negatives and when they apply in addition, multiplication, etc., likewise equally how to take a discussion problem and make it into a solvable algebra equation. It was an extremely helpful program for me. Continue upward the great work!

Linda Ossman

Linda Ossman

20:38 17 Jan 22

That course was the accented reason in my success of the TSIA2 examination. I did laissez passer it and can take College level algebra instead of developmental math. Specifically speaking, the quadratic equations, functions/graphing, linear equations in 2 variables and expressions, equations and formulas actually helped. And then I'd most definitely requite that grade a lot of credit to helping me laissez passer.

Myron Johnson (MJ's Liquid Gold)

Myron Johnson (MJ's Liquid Gilded)

xvi:34 thirteen Jan 22

The Accuplacer Uncomplicated Algebra exam went really well. I was able to place into my appropriate higher algebra course, and I surprised myself with my score fifty-fifty. I had not been in school for years and the courses on MathHelp fabricated jumping back in and so much easier. At that place were so many helpful elements of the course. The instructional videos and the practice test were instrumental in helping me.

Rachel Barba

Rachel Barba

15:36 30 Sep 21

The PRAXIS Algebra 1 went well. I liked the practice examination and the depth of each lesson including the videos.

Darrell Weeks

Darrell Weeks

18:13 19 Aug 21

I passed my college algebra form with an A, thanks to your online course! The caption in the videos were very detailed and easy to understand; the quizzes really collection the information dwelling house into my mind. It felt good going into a quiz and being confident in knowing how to practice the problem, with time to spare to check my work, and then seeing high marks in my grade book after.I am an developed student, (working and going to school) coming back to college algebra from a long time away from schoolhouse! I really needed a refresher.It is a vast improvement in my understanding of math (I was not too bully with math in general in elementary and loftier schoolhouse). Thank yous for giving me a boost in "mathematical confidence"! Thank you then much!

Victor Guanzon

Victor Guanzon

xvi:54 20 Jun 21

I'd like yous to know that I absolutely honey the Intermediate Algebra program, and will likely be signing back upward in Jan for the College Algebra course. I'k 36 years old and have e'er struggled with math, barely graduating high schoolhouse because of it and and then I began with your program for the PERT test, which allowed me to get a high enough score to laissez passer taking a remedial class.Continuing with the Intermediate Algebra program during the semester is absolutely the reason why I was able to sustain a B course, and I really take my final this afternoon and I am confident I volition practice well.I call up the reason that your plan works so well is considering y'all keep it short and to the point. All the steps are shown, you lot don't use a bunch of extra words and jargon, and you go along the problems simple so the student gets a chance to perfect those before going on to more difficult ones within their actual course assignments. There were several places where the things you lot taught weren't explained in course notes by my school that made a world of difference (such as clearing the radical in the denominator, or using a factor tree to factor rather but trying to guess multiples). It likewise helped that your grade guide exactly followed the menstruum of the class going from chapter to chapter and so I could watch my form lecture (online course), attempt some of those problems...I'd struggle, then I'd get to Mathhelp, practice well, and get dorsum to the class coursework. It was an piece of cake lateral movement. My not getting an A in the class is simply because I make featherbrained mistakes like forgetting signs or the simplest math errors, but I experience confident in the form and that's only 100% from your program.Thank yous for all the help your programme has offered, it's been quite an amazing transformation for me.

jennifer fromberg

jennifer fromberg

xvi:21 09 Dec 20

Thank you and then much for this algebra class!!! I am enrolled in an online college degree program at Penn Foster College. I am a Graphic Blueprint major, simply they stuck me in an algebra class. I exercise Not have a mind for math, I barely made it through math in school. Then this class has been devastating for me, my unabridged degree depends on this ane class! I have never had algebra in my entire life and they put me in Intermediate Algebra right off the bat! Oh, did I mention that they exercise not actually teach the classes they offer, they ship y'all the text book, and you are literally on your own. Your classes are a lifesaver! I thought I was looking at Chinese, but your step by step lessons really fabricated sense. If it weren't for you lot I would accept flunked out a long time ago, and lost whatsoever chance to go the caste that I accept worked and so hard on. Y'all are providing a much needed service, Cheers So MUCH!!!

Katrina Green

Katrina Green

00:21 28 Nov twenty

Allow me kickoff off by saying how fantastic this website is. During Algebra in 9th form, I was struggling and needed extra help. When distance learning started due to the pandemic, I was even more stressed and I needed help somewhere, this is when I found I tried the complimentary trial and inside an 60 minutes, I was highly impressed. I could become to the lesson my teacher was instruction and become actress help which was astonishing and I was caught up until schoolhouse ended. From there, I wanted to do even more math so I used this site the entire summertime and I am taking the 2d half of Algebra this year. With all the work I put in over the summertime, Algebra is now a breeze and I am so far alee and am currently doing the geometry course too! This site is amazing, the presenters explain stuff very well and there's no room for defoliation in my opinion.

Arcade Master

Arcade Primary

21:35 11 Nov 20

I loved this program. I didn't do Math in thirteen years so I subscribed to MathHelp two months before I started my Intermediate Algebra form. I was ahead of the lessons and I would always come back to MathHelp as my primary source for agreement a topic.. explanation was articulate, the teachers were awesome, my favourite was the admirer.. he thought and then conspicuously that I understood and and then I made sure to practise and practice and practice. I received a B+ in my Intermediate Math Course

Kaheila Edwards

Kaheila Edwards

17:45 26 Aug 20

I found the College Algebra class to be EXTREMELY helpful. I thought every concept was explained in a way that was easy for me to sympathize. I am currently enrolled in a College Algebra class at a academy after spending over 15 years out of school. I tried to take the same class in bound of 2019 and was completely lost because I didn't remember any of the fundamental concepts. I feel similar the course on your website has adequately prepared me for this semester and I expect to have success. Thank you for providing these resources for students such as myself. In that location's no way that I could feel as confident going into this semester without having gone through the grooming that you provided. Give thanks you for all that you lot and your team does. I wish yous all the all-time.

John-David Butler

John-David Butler

15:52 13 Aug xx

I'1000 a 40 year erstwhile going back to higher at Penn State online to finish my concern caste. I have not taken a math form in 20 years and when I found out that I had to accept the Aleks test, I researched tutorials online. Out of the many tutorials that I sampled before I purchased, was the all-time at providing brusque lessons that were to the point. I finally understand Algebra because of these lessons. I took the Aleks test this week and scored high enough to place me into Algebra Two.Afterward Algebra II, my only other math class volition be Calculus. That was my goal and I accomplished it. I exercise plan on using again when I start Algebra II in the jump semester and also when I accept Calculus. Considering of this tutorial, I am no longer terrified of math!

Iliana Garcia

Iliana Garcia

thirteen:38 07 Aug 20 was extremely helpful. I increased my math placement test score by 135 points by using the website. I am now ready to take college algebra. The teachings are a good stride and the near helpful thing are the links to previous lessons that remind you of building blocks you demand for the current lesson. Also, the option to have the audio of a problem on the practice issues is extremely helpful.

Kim Agnew

Wanted to say cheers so much for putting together the Mathhelp curriculum for people like me. Without all the content I would not take been successful on the TSI placement examination. The about helpful was definitely the factoring, exponent rules and fractions involving radicals since you see a lot of that on the test. Overall it was very easy to learn and follow and built my confidence up and helped me be successful. I scored a 350 out of a possible 390 according to my counselor and now I'm in my second week of college algebra on a summertime mini semester! Thank you to all of you and keep upward the skillful piece of work. I made a suggestion to my school that they should recommend your site to people like me as a prep for the placement test.

Nathan Fowler

Nathan Fowler

sixteen:xv 07 Jun 20

I take been out of high school for 30+ years and am going to accept a few college courses. I took a exercise Accuplacer test and realized that I did not retrieve inappreciably any of my high school math so I took the Accuplacer College Level Math prep class. I placed by College Algebra and into Trig with the help of the course.

Mike Larsen

Mike Larsen

19:53 01 Mar 20

The PRAXIS Algebra 1 test went very well! I received a passing score of 154, which was 13 points higher than when I took it previously. The lessons that were most benign to me were the issues focusing on deciphering word issues, imaginary numbers, and functions. These were the areas I had struggled with previously. I absolutely LOVED how the lessons congenital off i another and worked together as a whole. Also, thank you for providing links to previous lessons in order to build further background cognition. I have recommended your program to many fellow teachers. Thank you!

Ashlee Laubach

Ashlee Laubach

23:43 20 Jan xx

The preparation for the Accuplacer provided me the power to do so well on the Accuplacer exam that I was asked to skip College Algebra and go direct into Applied Calculus.

Germain Krueger

Germain Krueger

thirteen:32 20 Jan xx

Algebra two went well! I thought the practice questions were the near helpful to me after the lesson. The site is very user friendly and I would buy information technology again in the future!

Anna Jablonsky

Anna Jablonsky

21:11 22 November xix

The ASVAB went really well. I scored an fourscore overall and got a 100 on my geometry and algebra and a 74 on my arithmetic portion which was all cheers to your program. It really breaks down each step very well and the sequence they take to guide from one lesson to the other is superb.

Here We Are

Here We Are

xvi:01 07 Nov 19

The Accuplacer Uncomplicated Algebra placement exam went keen! Keep up the good work and I will most definitely use Mathhelp services in the futurity and recommend them to others!

Ace Rin

I took and passed the math TSI examination on my commencement endeavour. I am a 35 year former that hasn't used formulas, geometry, algebra or any other avant-garde math since loftier school. The TSI prep that y'all offered was better than any YouTube or practice test I had tried. I retrieve you guys have got the best tool on the market. I used it as an all-effectually refresher and was able to have the confidence I needed to excel with the examination. The way information technology was broken up into lessons, videos, practice and quizzes gives the educatee the ability to pick and choose exactly what they need help with.

Brandi Lewis

Brandi Lewis

12:xiii 24 Aug 19

Excellent math program! I'm learning along with my kids since I merely took Algebra I and Geometry and that was decades ago (I'm an English language instructor, not a math teacher!). Nosotros can fast forrad or review lessons to go at a pace that's but right. The explanations are articulate and precise. Having the ability to move between courses is the all-time office -- Algebra one day and Geometry the side by side.

Prof. Deborah

Prof. Deborah

00:06 23 Jul 19

The course was very helpful for my son who needed to retake prealgebra and didn't really understand it. The video explanations were helpful and we just printed off the worksheets for the main work.

Melanie Humphreys

Melanie Humphreys

03:47 10 Jun 19

We institute this site while my son was studying for a placement test. He missed placing into 6th grade pre-algebra past a few points and didn't desire that to happen again. So he used your site to study. Information technology had everything we needed from the whole curriculum. It was very helpful.

Hannah Mendelsohn

Hannah Mendelsohn

12:l 03 Jun 19

What makes Algebra one from MathHelp dissimilar?

MathHelp's Algebra 1 plan is unlike because it's an unabridged curriculum with a instructor inside. Developed at one of the elevation private schools in the country, the course is designed to simulate a $30,000-a-year individual schoolhouse education for a tiny fraction of the cost. Every bit a issue, information technology's not only an ideal solution for homeschoolers looking for a stand-solitary course, but it's also a natural fit for any parent who would like to provide his or her child with world-class instruction from home.

What is the best mode to acquire Algebra?

The best way to learn Algebra 1 is with an online program that combines all of the following features.

  1. Video instruction
  2. Guided practice
  3. Grade reporting
  4. Groundwork lessons
  5. Diagnostic quizzes
  6. Interactive lesson tests
  7. Cumulative review
  8. Printable worksheets
  9. Printable notes

Can I learn Algebra one fast?

The key to learning Algebra 1 fast is to utilize diagnostic quizzes, which tell y'all if you already know a lesson concept before spending time on a lesson. If your diagnostic quiz results betoken that you already know the concept, you can skip alee, allowing yous to focus your studies on the verbal lessons you demand.

Can 7th graders take Algebra one?

It's possible for a seventh grader to have Algebra 1, just it's non recommended. Algebra ane is usually an 8th or 9th grade form, so there's no reason to rush into it in 7th grade. Instead, information technology's better for 7th graders to have Pre-Algebra.

What course should you be in Algebra 1?

More often than not speaking, you should be in 8th or 9th class when yous have Algebra one. Withal, it's not unusual for a student who struggles with math to accept the course in tenth form. The important thing is to make sure you sympathise before moving on considering all high school math classes are built on this foundation.

Is Algebra ane or Algebra 2 harder?

Whether Algebra 1 or Algebra 2 is harder depends on the student. For example, the shock of dealing with variables for the get-go fourth dimension can make Algebra 1 very hard until y'all get used to it. On the other mitt, Algebra two is frequently considered harder because of its advanced concepts such equally logarithms and imaginary numbers.

Is Algebra really that difficult?

Algebra isn't necessarily difficult. The reason that so many students need Algebra assistance is that they've never seen variables earlier. In other words, students often panic when they see "messages" in math problems, even though the concept of variables is only an extension of what they've learned in previous math courses. Algebra is likewise the first time that students take to write down all their steps to the problems. Yous tin can't go away with doing Algebra in your head like you can with arithmetic.

Can I acquire Algebra on my own?

You can acquire Algebra on your own, merely you'll demand an online plan that builds the teacher into every aspect of the curriculum. In other words, the best way to learn Algebra on your own is if every lesson has video and sound explanations for both the example problems and the practice problems.

How do you get an A in Algebra 1?

Whatsoever Algebra 1 pupil who wants to go an A will demand to develop mastery of the post-obit concepts and skills.

  1. Arithmetics
  2. Social club of Operations
  3. Integers
  4. Working with Variables
  5. Memorizing Formulas
  6. Organizing Issues on Paper

Why do students struggle with Algebra?

Surprisingly, one of the biggest reasons that students struggle with Algebra is that they are merely unable or unwilling to organize the steps to a problem on paper. Bad handwriting solitary can derail a promising Algebra student who can't become back and read what he or she has written down. More commonly, however, students are tempted to do the problems in their heads rather than writing downwardly all the steps, which comes back to haunt them no matter how practiced at math they are.

What are the basics of Algebra one?

Yous'll acquire the post-obit basic concepts in Algebra 1.

  1. Simplifying
  2. Equations and Inequalities
  3. Word Problems
  4. Functions and Graphing
  5. Linear Equations
  6. Systems of Equations
  7. Exponents and Polynomials
  8. Factoring
  9. Rational Expressions
  10. Radicals
  11. Quadratics

How exercise yous laissez passer Algebra?

If you're wondering how to pass Algebra one, the central is to become individualized instruction. In the past, this meant expensive individual tutoring. Nowadays, however, affordable Algebra online tutoring is bachelor in the course of video education and guided practice with audio explanations.

How long does it have to learn Algebra 1?

Algebra 1 takes virtually half dozen to 12 months to learn. How long it takes depends on the student's math background, natural ability in math, and the amount of time reserved for help each day.

How much does an Algebra tutor price?

The toll of an Algebra tutor ranges from $25 an hour to $100 an 60 minutes, depending on your location and the level of expertise of the teacher. For example, if you're in an expensive urban center and you want an experienced Algebra ane tutor, it can price up to $100 an hour. Nevertheless, if you're in an area with a lower toll of living and you lot're open up to Algebra tutoring from a college student, it can toll as fiddling as $25 an hour.

Can you teach yourself Algebra?

You tin can teach yourself Algebra, only y'all'll need both instruction and exercise. The best way to get the huge corporeality of Algebra help that'south required to teach yourself the course is to utilise a program that incorporates a video teacher throughout the example problems and practice.

Personal Math Trainer Algebra 1,


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