
Pictures Of Phases Of Mitosis


What is Mitosis? Phases of Mitosis, Diagrams, Cytokinesis

Jul 11, 2022


Mitosis phase

Have yous ever wondered what the yeast in bread dough and a growing frog have in common? Apart from other things, they all carry cells that undergo mitosis, the process of prison cell segmentation to produce more cells genetically identical to the parent cells. Why do all these cells undergo mitosis? Well, intestinal cells demand to exist replaced after they wear out; yeast cells must reproduce to proceed their population growth, and a tadpole needs to produce new cells every bit it gets bigger and becomes more complex.

Mitosis is the process during which the nucleus of a eukaryotic prison cell splits in 2, followed by the splitting of the parent cell to grade 2 daughter cells. The pregnant of the discussion "mitosis" is "threads," which refers to the threadlike structure of chromosomes before the cell prepares for sectionalization. Early microscopists first observed this structure. They besides noted the advent of a specialised network of microtubules during the mitosis process. These tubules, collectively chosen spindles, extend from structures called centrosomes.


One centrosome is located at the opposite ends of a cell. As phases of mitosis progress, the microtubules fix to the chromosomes, which take already replicated their Dna and are lined up across the middle of the cell. The microtubules then shorten and march toward the ends of the jail cell. In the process, they carry one copy of each chromosome to contrary poles of the cell. This process ensures that each daughter cell contains ane exact copy of the parent cell'south Dna.

What are the phases of mitosis?

  • Before a cell enters the phases of mitosis, it undergoes a period of growth referred to as interphase. About 90% of the total time a jail cell spends in the prison cell bike is spent in the interphase. Interphase is farther divided into phases:
  • G1 phase: is the menses before Deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis, during which the jail cell mass increases to prepare for prison cell division. It is referred to every bit the first gap phase.

G2 phase


  • Southward phase: It is the menses when the Dna is synthesised. S hither stands for synthesis.
  • The G2 phase is the catamenia afterward the synthesis of Deoxyribonucleic acid, after which the prophase starts. During this period, the cell synthesises proteins, and its size continues to increase. It is the 2nd gap phase.
  • Mitosis comprises five morphologically singled-out phases. The mitosis phase order is— prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Each phase consists of feature steps in the process of alignment and separation of chromosomes. Once mitosis is over, the entire cell divides in ii by a procedure called cytokinesis.



  • Prophase is the kickoff stage of mitosis that occurs subsequently the G2 portion of the interphase is over. During prophase, the chromosomes of the parent cell, duplicated during the Southward stage, condense and get much more compact than they were in interphase. This is because every duplicated chromosome contains two similar-looking sister chromatids joined at an area called the centromere; these structures now seem like Ten-shaped bodies when visualised under a microscope.
  • The condensation procedure is catalysed by several Dna binding proteins, including cohesin and condensin. Cohesin produces rings that hold the sis chromatids together, while condensin produces rings that whorl the chromosomes into highly meaty forms.
  • The mitotic spindle also starts to develop during the prophase. As the two centrosomes of the cell move toward opposite poles, microtubules gradually collect between them, forming a network that later pulls the duplicated chromosomes apart.


  • Once the prophase is over, the cell enters the second phase for mitosis— prometaphase. During this phase, phosphorylation of nuclear lamins by K-CDK breaks down the nuclear membrane into numerous small vesicles. Consequently, the spindle microtubules now get directly access to the genetic material of the prison cell.
  • Each microtubule is extremely dynamic, growing outward from the centrosome and falling backwards every bit information technology tries to find a chromosome. Eventually, the microtubules locate their targets and attach to each chromosome at its kinetochore, a complex of proteins situated at the centromere.
  • The actual number of microtubules that connect to a kinetochore differs between species, simply at least ane microtubule from each pole connects to the kinetochore of each chromosome. And so a tug-of-war ensues as the chromosomes pass back and along toward the ii poles.


  • Every bit prometaphase ends and metaphase commences, the chromosomes line upward along the cell equator. Every chromosome has at the minimum ii microtubules that extend from its kinetochore and at least one microtubule attached to each pole.
  •  At this point, the tension inside the cell is counterbalanced, and the chromosomes no longer pass back and forth. Additionally, the spindle is now consummate, and three groups of spindle microtubules are visible.
  • Kinetochore microtubules link the chromosomes to the spindle pole; interpolar microtubules lengthen from the spindle pole and extend up to the equator to the spindle end opposite to it, and astral microtubules stick out from the to the cell membrane.


  • Subsequently metaphase, anaphase occurs, during which the sis chromatids of each chromosome part become to opposite ends of the cell. Enzymatic deposition of cohesin — which is attached to the sister chromatids during prophase — facilitates this separation. Later on separation, every chromatid forms a separate chromosome.
  • Meanwhile, changes in the microtubule length provide the mechanism for the movement of the chromosomes. More specifically, during the commencement portion of anaphase (sometimes referred to as anaphase A), the kinetochore microtubules condense and pull the chromosomes toward the spindle ends. Then, during the next portion of anaphase (sometimes referred to as anaphase B), the astral microtubules tied up to the cell membrane draw the poles apart, and the interpolar microtubules slip past each other, exerting an additional pulling strength on the chromosomes.




  • During telophase, the chromosomes come at the cell poles, the mitotic spindle dismantles, and the vesicles carrying the fragments of the parent nuclear membrane gather near the two sets of chromosomes. So lamins at each stop of the cell are then phosphorylated past the phosphatases. A new nuclear membrane is formed around each grouping of chromosomes due to this phosphorylation.


  • Cytokinesis is the final procedure in the mitosis phase guild that divides the parent cell into 2 identical daughter cells. During this procedure, the cell membrane tweaks in at the prison cell equator, giving rise to an discontinuity called the cleavage furrow. The location of the furrow is based on the location of the astral and interpolar microtubules while in anaphase.
  • The cleavage furrow is formed due to the activeness of a contractile ring of overlapping actin and myosin filaments. Every bit the actin and myosin filaments shift by each other, the contractile band gets smaller, similar to pulling a drawstring at the top of a purse. When the ring advances to its smallest signal, the cleavage furrow bisects the cell at its heart, giving rise to two separate daughter cells of equal size.
  • The procedure of cytokinesis is different in plants and animal cells. In animals, cytokinesis occurs by constricting the cell by a band of contractile microfilaments called actin and myosin, which are the proteins responsible for muscle contraction and other kinds of jail cell movement. In-found cells, cytokinesis occurs by forming a new cell wall between two daughter cells called a prison cell plate. The cell plate is formed from pocket-sized Golgi-derived vesicles that merge in a plane across the equator of the telophase spindle to give rise to a disk-shaped structure.


Importance of stages for mitosis

  • The process of mitosis is vital for the growth and replacement of the damaged and worn-out cells of an organism. In unmarried-celled organisms like yeast, mitosis is carried out asexually and adds new individuals to a population. In humans besides, many cells dissever through mitosis.


Therefore, mitosis is the procedure of nuclear division, occurring just before prison cell division or cytokinesis. During this process of the mitosis phase order, the jail cell'southward chromosomes compress, and the spindle gathers. The replicated chromosomes then connect to the spindle, line upward at the cell equator, and drift autonomously every bit the spindle microtubules withdraw toward opposite poles of the cell. Each set of chromosomes is and so enclosed by a nuclear membrane, and the parent cell is cleaved into ii complete daughter cells.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a centromere?

A centromere is a structure in a chromosome that holds 2 chromatids together. It is the signal of attachment of the kinetochore, a structure to which the microtubules of the mitotic spindles are attached.


2. What does a spindle practise?

The spindle pulls the chromatids to opposite poles of the prison cell during the cell division processes of mitosis and meiosis. Later separation, each chromatid becomes a chromosome. Therefore, after dividing, both daughter cells have consummate sets of chromosomes.


3. What is an embryo?

An embryo is a stage in the initial development process of an animal while it is in the egg or within the uterus of the pregnant female. In humans, the term embryo refers to an unborn child until the seventh calendar week following conception. From the viii weeks onwards, the unborn child is referred to as a fetus.

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mitosis phase

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